Sunday, December 20, 2009


The two books are:
The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen
Democracy–the God that Failed by Hans Hermann Hoppe
These books explain our Constitution and often cite the founders of this nation. From their explanations one can only conclude that that the laissez-faire capitalism that the founders had in mind has been entirely ignored by the presidents and congresses practically since the ink was barely dry on that old parchment-paper on which the constitution was written. Instead of capitalism we’ve gone ever more into socialism, even socialism with touches of Communism and Fascism.

With capitalism society as a whole prospers and grows, while with socialism society as a whole withers and collapses. Look at the utter failure of the former USSR and the withering state of Cuba. From Skousen we find that ten or more great societies have collapsed because the citizens have expected their government ever more and more (socialism). Even on this continent in the early seventeenth century socialism failed when it was tried in Jamestown, Virginia where no private property was allowed. It was so bad that Captain John Smith wrote: “In Virginia, a plaine Souldier that can use a Pick-axe and spade is better five Knights.”

If we do not return to laissez-faire, our fate will surely be that of Cuba, the former USSR, or the former East Germany and I do not recall any attempts of people attempting to escape into these areas, but rather many occurences of people attempting to escape from them.

Read the US Constitution and tell me wher is the authority to operate a public utility such as the TVA, or where is the authority of the Federal government to be involved in any way in education, just to name two abuses.