Monday, February 16, 2009

A video that you shoould probably watch and listen to on a regular basis (at least once a year) is:

Having viewed this clip, wouldn't you say we essentially have an oligarrchy in the USA? Aren't the senators and congressmen who have held their offices forever forming an oligarchy? Maybe their offices should be term limited as is the office of the president. If the legislative offices were limited to twelve years or so I think the limitations and taxes they lay on us with wouldn't be so burdensome if they knew they would have to return to non-government life and live with them personnaly.

Another thought: It seems like every day now this company or that company is laying off a few hundred or a few thousand employees. Wouldn't it be refreshing if the government laid off some workers? At any level anywhere? If they did they'd probably lay off the ones that protect us like policemen or firemen instead of the bureucrats that do nothing but tell us how we should live our lives. I'd call them non-productive overhead.

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