Friday, May 1, 2009

The role of government vs. its practice

The role of government is to protect its citizens. To protect them fro those who would do them harm from those within, the police function; and from those from afar, the military function. In practice however, it often serves to destroy wealth.

The government takes money from the citizen it pretends to serve and spends it wastefully on things which the citizen would not otherwise spend it on for himself thus destroying the citizen's wealth.

I observe this phenomena here in Hillsborough County as the government is involved in replacing bits and pieces of sidewalk that have been cracked or pushed up slightly by tree roots. A section of sidewalk in front of my house was replaced yesterday because it was cracked. It has been cracked for nearly thirty years and did not seem to be bothering anyone. This is done at a time when we are suffering from a deep recession, and is not what I would consider a wise use of finite resources.

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