Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Vow

I made a vow the other week. I made a vow to never again vote for an incumbent for federal office, regardless of any party affiliation. While the current slugs in congress are arguing about placing all of us in a socialized medical care system, they are proposing to keep their gold plated medical system for themselves – at our expense no less. Talk about Machiavellian hubris! The time has come, in fact it is past due, that the Washington “elites” are returned to the dog pile they have created and are creating for the rest of us.

They propose some form of nationalized medical care but surely they are aware of the dismal results it has had in Canada, England, Sweden, and other nations where it prevails. It is expensive and produces long queues for diagnosis and treatment - frequently with fatal consequences.

They do not consider the desires and needs of those who work in the medical community and only focus on the patient’s side of the situation. So as in Canada, young people will be discouraged from entering medicine as a profession or leave the practice prematurely.

Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are bankrupting the nation and causing the currency to become more worthless with each passing day. Such Ponzi schemes as these dwarf that of Bernie Madoff.

To truly fix medical care what needs to be done is eliminate Medicare/Medicaid and reform the tort laws to be a “loser pays” system like England’s or Australia’s, or at least put a severe cap on nonmonetary “pain and suffering” damages as has been done in Texas. Then they must open the markets for medical insurance by permitting interstate sales and permitting insurance policy customization along the lines of not requiring maternity coverage which is totally unneeded by a woman past menopause.

The government cannot even operate the post office efficiently and you expect them to operate an insurance program or a medical system efficiently; surely you must be joking or you are very naive and foolish!

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