Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Abusive Commerce Clause

The raging political debates aren’t so much about conservative versus liberal (or progressive as they are calling themselves now). The political debates are not so much about the partisanship views of Republican (Libertarian) versus Democrat. I think the real hot button issues of today center around capitalism versus socialism and what kind of society we are to have.

While the capitalist places the ultimate responsibility on the individual, the socialist places the ultimate responsibility on the state. The question then is under which type of society the individual will enjoy the better life. I hold that capitalism, which Friedrich August von Hayek describes as “the extended order of human cooperation,” is the system which benefits the individual the most. If there is any disagreement upon this point, send me an email (

It has been noted that the United States has never really enjoyed a laissez-faire capitalism. Even the U.S. Constitution permits the federal government “To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes.” This “commerce clause” as it is known is the source of all manner of abuse by the federal government; see the government’s own commentary at Because of this clause and its interpretation by the Supreme Court all manner of abuses have been perpetrated upon the people. It virtually gives the government absolute control of your life as well as mine and should be limited in its scope.

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