Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Lost the Founder’s Wisdom

Let’s quote George Washington (They still mention him in school, don’t they?)

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.” (attributed to GEORGE WASHINGTON.—Frank J. Wilstach, A Dictionary of Similes, 2d ed., p. 526 (1924). This can be found with minor variations in wording and in punctuation, and with “fearful” for “troublesome,” in George Seldes, The Great Quotations, p. 727 (1966). Unverified.)

To restate this quote in a modern vernacular, we might say something like this: “Government is like fire, in a small amount it will keep you warm and cook your food; but out of control, it will destroy you and burn your house down.”

I think our federal government has become a raging forest fire, destroying everything in its path. Bail out GM; bail out Chrysler; bail out AIG. Who is really going to need bailed out? Our children, grandchildren, and their children and grand children as well.

If we do not cast off this socialism, we’ll all be living in poverty soon enough.

Carl Marx is dead. Long live Adam Smith!

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