Friday, March 13, 2009

Our National Gang

I went to a neighborhood watch meeting Tuesday night. The Sheriff’s deputy passed out “Gang Awareness” pamphlets. I’ll quote from it, beginning with a section titled “Why Are Gangs So Violent?”

Gangs control behavior and gain compliance through fear, intimidation and physical violence. Gangs have specific rules and regulations that must be obeyed. If a member breaks a rule, the member will suffer the consequences. It may entail being beaten by other gang members, with the severity of the beating depending upon the infraction they committed. Some­times, if their violation is severe, the violator could be killed by the very gang members they swore allegiance to.
If rival gangs disrespect each other, the consequences could be, and often are, deadly. Gang members hold respect to a very high standard, so when a rival gang member disrespects a gang, violence is sure to erupt. A well-known form of retaliation is the "drive-by shooting". Often innocent bystanders are hurt or killed by the spray of bullets when "drive-bys" occur because of the careless disregard for others by the shooter. Not obeying turf restrictions are one way gang members disrespect each other. One member going into another's area would be considered a serious violation that results in a lot of gang fights.

If the word “governments” is substituted for “gangs” in the above two paragraphs, the meaning and the validity of the above two paragraphs remain intact. This is the reason that the framers of the constitution believed that the role of the government should be strictly limited. They believed that an unlimited government will do unlimited harm.
We are seeing that with some of Obama’s proposals such as restricting the deductibility of charitable contributions which will substitute force for charity or dehumanizing state welfare for love. It is becoming more evident as the weeks pass that Mr. Obama is a Marxist at heart.

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