Friday, March 27, 2009

Wimps One and All

We are becoming a nation of wimps and “girlie men.” Rather than providing for ourselves we are letting the government provide for us. It is a certain road to poverty because the government is only efficient at doing one thing – destroying wealth. Oh, the very wealthy will be alright and so will the Machiavellian political class. But the backbone of America will perish into the oblivion of poverty. Geithner and Obama together, Beelzebub and Satan want to control everything. Take over control of any bank or insurance company or car company or perhaps any other company as their whim desires.

Are we going to let them get away with it? Haven’t they already done enough damage in devouring our great grandchildren and their grandchildren as well?

People are forgetting one thing. The government is composed of – other people. Are people so gullible that they believe that the people in government are infallible? If you make a mistake, you learn from it and carry on, having done harm only to yourself. But when people in the government make mistakes, the harm done is to the whole nation or to large segments of it. Furthermore, the harm being done can be quite long in duration because yet another law must be passed to undo the damage of the first law. And that only after the cause of the harm is determined.

Does it make sense to bring down the whole country in order to save a division of AIG or GM?

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