Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night on the TV news, I saw Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) berating the AIG executives over the $165 million bonuses they are being paid, vowing to get it back. Did that make you angry?

It should not have made you angry at all. After all congress had given AIG $170 billion of bail out money. Its as if you'd given your kid $1700 to pay for a semester of school expenses and the kid blew all of $1.65 for candy.

The complaint of Schumer and the left leaning press is a canard. A story to take the focus away from who are the real culprits in this story. The real miscreants are congress for giving AIG the $170 billion of YOUR tax dollars in the first place.

AIG should have gone to bankruptcy court to begin with, either chapter 11 or 13. Congress is the perpetrator of the financial mess in the first place and then covers up their errors with yet more unwise laws.

Nothing speaks more loudly for term limits on congress, like we already have for the presidency. Then congress will not act so foolishly when the members will know they will have to return to live in the mess they have created.

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