Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama has the solution

But does he understand the problem? It appears that he wants to “fix” the medical care system. How? I think he wants to adopt the Canadian or perhaps the English model which works out to be a more expensive (through taxes) system that provides untimely and thus poor care.

What is the more pressing problem, the economy or the medical care system? Right now, I’d say it is the economy because if you have no job you have no income and no money to pay for medical care regardless of the price.

I have not yet heard how the “bailouts” of banks, auto companies, or any other business will do much to fix the economy in the long term. In fact the analyses I’ve seen conclude that all we are doing is increasing the national debt so much that we’ll end up an impoverished nation in a decade or two. Is that what we want for our children or our grandchildren?

Perhaps the pressing problem is illegal immigration, especially gang members and drug dealers from the south. Obama’s solution then appears to be to so impoverish the USA that no one will want to come here. In fact he will have to build a wall around the nation. Not to keep people out, but to keep people in like the Berlin wall's purpose.

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